Friday, May 22, 2020

Before we ZOOM into Second Grade, let's get the summer started!!! : Vintage Ephemera

Before we ZOOM into Second Grade, let's get the summer started!!!

I found this cute little pamphlet at a rummage store long ago and have been wanting to do a blog series with it.  This poor neglected blog is so sad but I thought, since we are choosing to remain somewhat socially distanced this summer, I might as well hop back on and share some vintage goodies.  Just like the old days, huh?  Feel free to give a little giggle at the outdated blog setup, does anyone even use this format anymore?  Maybe someone a bit more experienced can help me out with some instructions on setting up a more updated system? 

Anyway...back to this cute little pamphlet...booklet?  I don't know what it is, really.  I just know I love the mid century graphics and ideas.  It is not in the best of shape.  When I found it, it was still in somewhat good shape but I haven't stored it properly, just keeping it with some crafting ephemera and thinking on using it for our Project Life layouts.  I come across it, every now and again, and enjoy looking thru it.

I would love to give credit, where credit is due...and let you know where this was purchased but I do not remember.  It was one of those "antique" mall type of places you would see in old (almost) abandoned malls.  The pamphlet was originally part of a contest, it seems, from reading the back cover.  The address included is Curtiss Candy; Dept M.A. 3638N. Broadway, Chicago 13, Illinois.  The deadline for the contest was September 30, 1961.


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