Thursday, December 9, 2010

Housekeeping Procrastination

It is not that I am dreading getting started on my Thursday chores, there really is not much to do as we try to keep things tidy.  Maybe that is it.  I could skip a few steps and it would look just as good to someone who is not really LOOKING.  But then everything would build up and get really messy and THAT would be a bit overwhelming.

Some of the things helping me to procrastinate is:

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

Really?  That is what Bravo is now calling "real"?  None of the "housewives" in these shows are like any housewife I have ever met.  I have not seen any of them clean...oh wait....I think Gretchen from RHW of OC cleaned out her garage one season.....oh and that weirdo Tamera did that, too, when they were going broke.  But really?  Still....I could go on and on about how NOT real they are.....and I am sure I will at a future date.  I am trying really hard to get this post out and get to my housework.  But the RHW of BH are not all that entertaining, yet.  They are trying with the Camille vs the Demi Moore look a like lady (I forget her name...she irritates me because she is so snoody with her sister).  Speaking of Camille Grammer (Frasier's ex wife)....she thinks everyone is jealous of her.  I want to slap her and say "look lady, I am no where near having what you HAD....I am about 3 times your size (but hot as hell...LOL) and will never wear the kind of clothes you have (well except the Louboutin shoes she wore to Kelsey's premier...THOSE were my wedding shoes...~swoon~)...and I am not even jealous of YOU.  Anyway, you were dumped by your husband.  LOVE Frasier.

Ayden's 1st Birthday Party


Isn't that little baby cowboy the cutest?  I made the goodie bags / favor bags for this party.  I had so much fun making them (I still have a few left to make).  The second photo is the bags in the middle of my craft room floor waiting for the goodies to go in.  I can not wait to see Ayden turn 1.  He is such a cutie and has a very funny personality.  I am also going to set up a Candy Buffet for this party.  I hope to get permission to post some pics of the buffet when the party is over.

And last, but certainly not least....two more little cuties helping me to procrastinate:

This big ole fuzz ball is Belle Starr.  She does this daily....lays and rolls around in the sun shine.  Her most favorite place to be.  It is so funny that she knows exactly when the sun will be shining thru the windows.  We can be laying in the back bedroom, reading in bed, and she will jump up fully alert and walk into the formal living room to where the sun is shining.  As the sun moves, she moves to another window.  In the hottest part of the summer, the sun really never makes it to this part of the she takes advantage of every minute of the cooler months when the sun shines in. I love seeing her so happy.

This is Dixie Lee enjoying the cool weather in her pink sweater.  Isn't she cute?  She loves to play with her ball so to get her to sit still I had to hold it up so she was really waiting for me to throw the ball...she was not posing.  Look at her face, it looks like she is smirking sideways.  her cute pink sweater is too tight for her.  The vet said she needs to lay off the cookies....but they are like doggie crack to her.  She gets the shakes when she needs her "fix". I must go clean.


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